//super awesome !
sweet owner

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Diaries Owner Linkies Stuff

hello peeps ! welcome to my blog . gomawo :D


basecode: Nurul AtiQah
Edit by: Cikmimin
Re-Edited By: Syeera Noona

tummy , mummy , tommy ..

- i hope to being the last person , that you will love for ...
- stop being seriously everytime ..
- i'm just lost w/out you ..
- because ,, i miss you ..
- jonghwa yg cakap errr .. aku xcakap .,,

- stabira rapstsstabira ...
- apeun sarangeul .. blablabla .. x ingat ..
- hukhukhuk
- cemana nak lukis plane nehh .. hadoiiihhh ...
- secara dasarnya ...
- saya berstudy sambil cuci mata , membaca quote-2 ..
- next week exam ... sebulan kan ..
- nak demam dengaqq ..
- tp tape ,
- in the same time , miss him ..
- miss the first strangers man , i called him " abg "
- since form 2 rite ?
- so now , i'm in form 5 , do he remember me ? , his "adik "
- tapi ... skrg mcm da xkenal akuu da ..
- pape pon , aku still ingat last ayat dia sebelom aku pindah kamunting ..
- " pape pon , adik the best ! , abg syg adk "
- wehh , sumpahh ! , rinduuu .. lama  xgosip gn hgg ..
- dan satu nak tnya ?
- muka aku nehh , mmg kne tlg org bwt assignment ka erkk ?
- da bpe org aku tlg cry kan .. letihh jaa..
- tape la , tlg menolong .. amalan mulia ..
- lastly , to my bestie norasikin .. happy birthday ! , rindu nak gelakk gn hgg , nad , teha , syafika , iceshah sume ..

* benda paling lecehhh , bila spec aku hilgg mase aku x nampak ..
nak nangisss ja kuat-2 ...
xnampakk .. aaa