//super awesome !
sweet owner

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Diaries Owner Linkies Stuff

hello peeps ! welcome to my blog . gomawo :D


basecode: Nurul AtiQah
Edit by: Cikmimin
Re-Edited By: Syeera Noona

2 Years already ,

sedar xsedar da 2 taun , aku kat sini ..
tinggal kawan-2 aku kat sana ..
nad , teha , ekin , iceshah , pikah dan yg lain la kan ....
rindu gilaa kat dorg , 
yelaaa ..
da jrg jumpakk ...
ble free bru leyh jumpe kan ?

korg mmg happening gila-2 , 
kalau xgelak sehari xsah ...
mcm org slalu cakap ..
sorg xde rasa mcm cacat jaaa ..
( mmg pn kan )
form 2 the best year i had through it ....
mcm-2 bnda jd time tuh ...
wlaupun umah aku jauh dr skola ..
aq sggup bgun awal pg g skola ..
tiap-2 hari ,..
sggup p skola 2 3 kali seharii ,,,
tp , skrg da biasa xde dorg ..
mcm biasa-2 jer ..
depth in my heart
i miss their laugh a lot...

kawan-2 aku kat sini pon lbh kurg mcm dorg gak ...
dulu yelaa aku ada dorg , 
skrg aq da hilg dorg ,,
hukhukhuk ...
mngecewakan ..
bak kata anang ..
separauh jiwa ku pergi ...
piiraaahh jiwg gilaaa ...

hari nih bufday Azrul Kamal ...
hahah ?
bole plk teringat kan ..
mna x nya ..
malam bfday dia tuh , 
aq baru pindah masokk umah ..
dy pon lbh kurg  sweet cm akim ..
cuma dia niyhh
nth laaaa....
yla , 
bkn sume org sempurna kan ?
since ktwg da lost contact , 
Happy birthday abg ...

credit : fatiha , nadia izzati , ummi nor iceshah , norasikin , shafika , azrul kamal , izati , meya , meen , qyla , fyza , all the dream team yg lain ...

# i not have the right to credit to this people , but since they had been in my life before it should... paipai..