//super awesome !
sweet owner

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hello peeps ! welcome to my blog . gomawo :D


basecode: Nurul AtiQah
Edit by: Cikmimin
Re-Edited By: Syeera Noona

Trip bercuti free ~

hey-3 blogger ...
how are you?
good ,,

alhamdulillah , mnta-2 apa yg aku dgr nih jd knyataan....
dpt trip bercuti free ke cameron highland with my czen ,
semua dtggung beres ...
haahhahahhh ...
syiok x terkira

hope la abah bagi pergi ...
xsgke ada gak org nak seponser kt cek , 
harap-2 la jadi , meskipon lambat lagi mayb hjung bulan 12 cmtuh..
dekat skola la kan..
tape ,  as long as dpt g dh ,,,,,,
thnx abg mat , flying kiss skit..
hahahhhh ...

yg jadi masalah skrg bg aku , 
ngekngok tuh x bagi plak...
siap cakap ....

 " b haramkan syg g sne "

atas sebAB ???
" b xske la , nty ada org ngorat syg , b xnak.... "
astaghfirullahalazim , awt jd lagu nih xtaw , takot sgt psaipa...
mcm la aq lawa sgt smpai org nak kat aq , rilek sudaa...
aq ase ag je yg pndg aq , org lain x ..
don't worry laaa.... 

haihhh , susah-3 , 
btw thnx :)
atlist ada yg prihatin psl aku ,,,,,,